Shadowbane 2
Shadowbane 2

shadowbane 2

This is the point from which you spawn when you die and the core of the player-created towns that are the real focus of the conflict in Shadowbane. Each guild is tied to particular Tree of Life in the game world. Any player can start a guild around any particular philosophy or mission (even none at all), but it's the number and strength of players in your guild that determine how much you prosper. It's been covered in other previews, but to be brief, Shadowbane is built around a system of player-managed guilds. Finally, the team's got to scale the number of players up to deliver on the huge epic battles that the PVP system allows for. Since PVP is the make-it-or-break-it feature of the game, balancing this is the next big priority. Then they must polish the game and make sure that the initial experience is strong enough to lead you to the more rewarding and original player-versus-player gameplay waiting beyond the first ten levels. First, they must stabilize the game and make sure that it runs as well as possible. With that task done, the team will have four main areas of focus.

Shadowbane 2 full#

This is the full instance of the world as it will exist when the game goes live. Right now the team is bringing the production world online. Once the milestone has passed, some members of the milestone team head over to the beta team to help smooth and otherwise adjust the features once they're in use. As milestones approach, more people are devoted to adding features and content. While one team worked supporting the current beta, another was hard at work reaching the next production milestone. The polymorphous nature of the management structure allows Wolf Pack to shift employees from one area to another, a necessity of the game's dual development track. The game is currently feature complete and undergoing content integration and scalability testing. Todd talked a bit about how he hopes to market Shadowbane's innovative concept and avoid the usual route and relying on graphics or licensing to attract people to the game. While there I talked with founder Todd Coleman and several other members of the team. Not too long ago, I flew out to Austin to visit with the guys at Wolf Pack Studios. Still, Shadowbane offers a type of gameplay that seems truly revolutionary. It's a hard sell in some ways, because the game lacks the immediate graphical draw of Asheron's Call 2 or the irresistible branding of Star Wars Galaxies. Started in a spare bedroom when the original EverQuest was still in beta stage, Shadowbane is an interesting game, combining the social allure of massively multiplayer online roleplaying games with the strategic sophistication of a real-time strategy game. Wolf Pack Studio's freshman effort is ambitious to say the least.

Shadowbane 2